Sunday, March 17, 2019

Winter 2019

An early winter sunset. I think this was in either November or December. Every North Dakota sunset is unique and worthwhile. If you're outside and you aren't finding yourself a view, you're missing out.

This Bull Moose was sunning in a field east of Donaldson, Minnesota. We came upon this guy on our way to look at a truck West of Greenbush. We called some friends who were heading up that way for different reasons and they got to see him, too. Nature only allows a handful of sightings a year. We have to appreciate them when they happen. 

This was the west overhead door at my workplace after the biggest snowfall total of the year. This drift went out a good 50-100 feet from the building. We had to wait for snow removal to even try to clear the door. Backs were aching, swear words were said. It's been a tough winter. 

Here's a midwinter sunset. As you can see, I have a world class view from my family farm. Those three pines on the right always add a little extra character to my pictures.

Calving season is upon us. This little guy wanted up out of the snow and manure. Thankfully we saw him before we re-filled the feeder. Small calves love to lay in feeders--you can't be too lazy to check or you'll kill a young animal and hurt your pocketbook come time to sell. 

Dolly is a very friendly dog, but she's very strange. She rarely lets anyone pet her unless she's inside or she knows she can get away. She doesn't like to be put on a cable--that's for sure. Here I am, scratching her ears, which she is only allowing because there's a cattle gate between us. 

A recent sunset. Gone are the dulled colors of frigid winter. I think we've finally turned the corner (knock on wood).

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