Saturday, October 8, 2016

Quick Hit Reviews: Cadillac 3, FGL

I've decided to add another format to my review process. When albums aren't particularly good and don't hold my attention, I'm going to post what I'll call Quick Hits, and most of these Quick Hit posts will feature more than one album, and at times will include single reviews, as well. This is an easy way for me to make sure I don't bullshit readers in any way--when albums don't grab my attention all that much, it's hard to truly evaluate them. Rather than forego those reviews altogether, I've decided to convey my impression with a quick paragraph or two.

Bury Me in My Boots by The Cadillac Three

The Cadillac Three are just a cheap mainstream knockoff of modern Southern Rock bands like Whiskey Myers. This album has a handful of good songs but it's mostly formulaic, chest-thumping nonsense. For some listeners, the Cadillac Three might find the balance between trendy and interesting, but for listeners who are more well-studied, they'll come off as shallow and transparent. They aren't incapable of recording good songs, like standout "Runnin' Red Lights," but they don't do enough of it to justify any kind of recommendation from me. Bury Me in My Boots is instantly forgettable.

Dig Your Roots by Florida Georgia Line

I'd like to give Tyler Hubbard and Brian Kelly credit for trying to have some more substantial material on Dig Your Roots, but it just isn't executed very well. There is one great song in "While He's Still Around." Surprisingly, Kelly takes lead vocals on this tune, and has more of a vocal presence on the album, in general. This decision is a breath of fresh air, because I maintain that Tyler Hubbard's singing sounds like the slow death of a large mammal. Their most recent single featuring Tim McGraw isn't bad at all, but it's nothing special, either. Don't get me started on lead single "H.O.L.Y." I've never been so bored by a song in my life. Overall, Dig Your Roots isn't terrible, but it's not much of an improvement, either.

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